The Library

An article from the Sareoso Library, seemingly related to
Diagram 21: Liburutokia Handia:

There are basically three things Man is forced to do. The central stack deals with these three and is the general index:


Man deals with communication between the individual and the universe and covers; conduct, action, prayer, meditation and contemplation.

Liburutokia Handia has 7 stacks which we can index as follows:

|                       (6x-3) + (6x-2) + (6x-1) + (6x) + (6x+1) + (6x+2) + (6x+3)
| and label     (6x-1) + (6x+1) as MEMORY (yin yang – individual and general)
|                       (6x-2) + (6x+2) as CHOICE (4 trees)
|                       (6x-3) + (6x+3) as ACTION or REPRODUCTION (Maltese Cross –
|                       Consequential Origination)

Each stack has 9 shelves:

  8. SKILL

The Library has 7 stacks and each stack has 9 shelves.
The central stack is the index stack and its 9 shelves contain indexes to the stacks.
The stacks are divided to left and right.
All left stack contain individual or practical subjects, all right stacks contain general speculative or theoretical divisions of these subjects.
The six subsidiary stacks are labelled by Yin and Yang, Tree Left and Right, Cross Left and Right as follows:

LEFT             LEFT            LEFT          CENTRAL STACK         RIGHT        RIGHT          RIGHT
CROSS 1/9    TREE 1/9      Y/Y 1/9             INDEX 1/9               Y/Y 1/9       TREE 1/9      CROSS 1/9
6x-3               6x-2              6x-1                         6x                      6x+1            6x+2            6x+3

They have further divisions of shelves which are labelled as
6nx ± 1         6nx ± 2         6nx ± 3      where n is a series of numbers

The Y/Y series deals with all cyclical matters e.g. vibrations
The Tree series deals with all logical matters or choices
The Cross series deals with all actions of behaviour matters

|                                     -12                                                                  dual
| -9         -8         -7        -6        -5         -4        -3                   x = -1    unique
| -3         -2         -1         0          1         2          3                   x = 0
|  3          4          5         6          7          8         9                    x = +1   unique
|  9          10       11        12       13        14       15                                dual
|                                      18

You can get to -27 one way, but +27 several ways
-52 that would be in the future
x is any number index, n is integers

form    flow     force    field     force    flow     form

We need a group to work on all academic subjects under these classifications and to organise Liburutokia Handia.



Some articles on ‘Saroi’, ‘Saroe’ or ‘Sarobe’ – the enclosures or pastures around a shepherds hut,  octagonal stone circles found in the Basque country.

The name of the ‘Sarobia’ animation on the Sorginerratza page of the main Sareoso website may be related to ‘Sarobe’.

  • An extract on ‘Saroi’ from José Miguel de Barandiaran’s Dictionnaire Illustre de Mythologie Basque translated by Byron Zeliotis: Saroii pdf
  • The geometry of pastoral stone octagons: the Basque sarobe., Roslyn M. Frank and Jon D. Patrick. pages 77-91 in Archeaoastronomy in the 1990s, ed. Clive Ruggles.


A documentary about an old man farming and logging mostly alone throughout the four seasons.

Gogo and Haragi

This article is also available as a printable PDF file: Gogo and Haragi

GOGO and HARAGI: diagrams 22 and 23 in the Sareoso Series

Diagrams 22 and 23 can be amalgamated into a single one with twelve divisions, which is similar to the dependent origination diagram (diagram 29). The diagram is also similar to one in the 12th meeting of Worm Dragon Angel Seminars.

In the amalgamated diagram, the six divisions of the Gogo diagram 23 (Ezjakin, Nahimen, etc.) progress clockwise on the right hand half of the diagram. The six divisions of the Haragi diagram 22 (Herio, Jaiotze Dakit, etc.) progress anti-clockwise on the left hand half of the diagram.


Also shown on the amalgamated diagram is the Saros Octave of Man, illustrated below. For more information see The Octave of Man.

In the discussion below the names “Watcher” and “Sentinel” are used interchangeably, as are “I” and “Ego”.

The numbers shown on the amalgamated diagram are taken from the number of sub-divisions in each division of the Gogo and Haragi diagrams, and correspond to the Octave of Man.


Questions raised:

Why are the intervals filled by 4 and 7?
Why is Psyche the same as Will and why are they 4-fold?
Why is I the same as desire/craving and why is it 4?
Why is Mind Base the same as Watcher and why are they 7-fold?

The simple answer to the question of why 4 and 7 at the intervals is that they relate to Worlds and Cosmoses.
Perhaps it is not so with all octaves but specifically to the mind of man.
Are the intervals on the downward octave 4-fold and upward 7-fold? Or is it the other way round?!

The 12 is describing the whole of conditioning and how conditioning gives rise to consequences. Intervals are the points we can wake up.

One possibility for the question regarding psyche and 4 in Gogo is that it relates to Action, Memory, Choice and Procreative in the tetrahedron. In the diagram this corresponds to the 4 elements.

Why does Ego in the Haragi diagram correspond with a 4 based interval but the picture is 7 based? Why is Breath labelled 7 but has a 4 based picture? Might the 7 senses go together with Breath? The moment when a baby begins to take in sensory data from the world?
The Sentinel and Breath are present from birth. Ego is organised through life. Is Psyche developed through life or fully formed at birth?
Can the Sentinel be developed through life? The Sentinel and Breath generally operate mechanically but can become more conscious. In meditation we may learn to develop some control over the Sentinel in order for it to let us through. Both Breath and Sentinel are to do with the integrity of being. Being aware of the Sentinel is akin to being aware of Breath. As the sphere of I expands it encompasses Sentinel and Breath.
Will and I are to do with the creation of worlds.

The Mind Base is the precondition for perception. The Mind Door and the Sense Door are involved in the whole process of perceiving. 7 factors make up the Mind Base which translate from the Basque as Cause, Origin, Effect, Truth, Common Sense, Thought and Relationship. In Sareoso Mind is 7-fold.

The Gogo and Haragi diagrams are to do with the relationship between the Mind and Body. The unity and difference between mind and body perhaps. In this discussion we are approaching the whole thing from the point of view of mind so it is limited. To fully understand the diagrams we have to approach it from both.

A link to the Spheres of the Tetrahedron animation on the Moldatu website, describes the tetrahedron in terms of 3 layers, the endosphere, mesosphere and exosphere. The volume of the exosphere is equal to the volume of the central endosphere, plus the equivalent of 11 of the mesophseres. Since the tetrahedron itself is formed from 4 mesopsheres, this leaves the remainder of the exosphere as consisting of the equivalent of 7 mesospheres. The diagram includes a mathematical proof. (This description and proof is available on the Sareoso blog here.)

The amalgamation diagram has the octave going clockwise in Gogo diagram (i.e. between 1 (4) 3 2 7 (7) 1) and anticlockwise in Haragi diagram 1 6 (4) 12 21 (7) 1. The amalgamation is clockwise only. The diagram in the Worm, Dragon, Angel booklet for the 12th meeting, which includes dependent origination and the mega octave, has both clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Is this relevant? And might the Adam/Gaia counter-directions relate to Gogo (Adam) and Haragi (Gaia)?


At a previous meeting we discussed:
4 = Materiality
7 = Impressions
Can you have a body without impressions to make it out of?
How can you receive impressions without a body?
Cosmoses make the Worlds but there can’t be Cosmoses without the Worlds.

When associations arise, feelings arise (relevant to dependent origination).
Feeling is a package of energy. When it is triggered, energy is released. The trigger can be an internal (new feeling) or external (new perception).
The impression produced is referred to sentinel and thereby to an organised level of self (Big I). New impressions don’t trigger conditioned associations. They need to be digested. Big I forms a new association after digestion. It is the job of Mind not body to do this.
Seek stimulation to be organised. Able to use more potential. To be able to become more of what you can (be?)

Taken from notes made at a SAREOSO meeting, October 7th 2019

Spheres of the Tetrahedron

In the Moldatu animation (see below), results are shown about measurements of the tetrahedral shape, in particular, the ‘endosphere‘, a sphere located in the central space of the tetrahedron, and the ‘exosphere‘, the sphere containing all four ‘mesospheres’ which make up the tetrahedron itself:


The main result is that the volume of the exosphere is equal to the volume of the central endosphere, plus the equivalent of 11 of the mesospheres. Since the tetrahedron itself is formed from 4 mesospheres, this leaves the remainder of the exosphere as consisting of the equivalent of 7 mesospheres.

Here is the document showing the proof of these measurements.


The Moldatu animation:



Creating the Dymaxion

Here is a PDF file with some notes on creating the dymaxion. It’s an attempt to relate some of the Sareoso diagrams with one of the animations.  It’s definitely a work in progress, and I hope it will be developed further. Comments are welcome.

Creating the Dymaxion

This is the animation I’m talking about:



Dymaxion and Zodiac

In a previous post I published some notes on the dymaxion. This is a bit extra, about relationships between the dymaxion and the astrological zodiac.

The dymaxion is a shape made from 12 spheres surrounding a central (13th) one. Interpreting the 12 spheres as the 12 signs of the zodiac seems a possibility, but the signs of the zodiac have relationships to each other. They are grouped into elements (fire, air, water and earth) and qualities (cardinal, mutable and fixed), so each sign belongs to one element and one quality. For example Aries is cardinal fire. There are four cardinal signs and three fire signs, spread evenly around the zodiac.


The surface of a dymaxion has triangles and squares so it seems reasonable that these groupings of threes and fours should be mirrored.

One way in which the relationships can be represented on the dymaxion is to make each of the four triangular groupings represent a single element, containing a cardinal, mutable and fixed sign. In this picture I’ve coloured the qualities as red, green and blue, so here you are looking at a triangle representing the three signs of one element (perhaps the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius).


The way each triangle is coloured should allow the groups of four to also be seen. By turning the dymaxion to look at a square side we can see the layout – here a square of blue spheres (representing perhaps the fixed signs).


There may well be other possible arrangements of the zodiacal relationships on the dymaxion, but this seems to be one possibility. It’s also worth remembering the close relationship between the dodecahedron and the dymaxion. Putting signs of the zodiac on to the dodecahedron goes back to Plato in ancient Greece, but it’s not clear how they were arranged. The relationships of threes and fours are not at all obvious on the dodecahedron, so perhaps we can use the dymaxion to understand this.





Dymaxion Notes

Here is a PDF file with some notes on the dymaxion resulting from a recent discussion. It’s definitely a work in progress, and I hope it will be developed further. Comments are welcome.

Dymaxion Notes

The dymaxion appears in the moldatu animation:

Charcoal Making

The guy from Primitive Technology makes a reusable charcoal mound. As usual, he demonstrates the method without speaking, using only things he has made himself.